📈Tabular Deep Learning with PyTorch Frame

Original Notebook : https://www.kaggle.com/code/yiwenyuan1998/tabular-deep-learning-with-pytorch-frame

Deep Neural Network using Sentence Transformer with PyTorch Frame

  Disclaimer: This tutorial would be helpful to you if you want to know about deep tabular learning. There is no feature engineering uesd in this tutorial.

  PyTorch Frame is a deep learning extension for PyTorch, designed for heterogeneous tabular data with different column type.

  Historically, tree-based models(e.g., XGBoost, Catboost) excelled at tabular learning but had notable limitations, such as integraion difficulties with downstream models, and handling complex column types, such as texts, sequences, and embeddings.

  Pytorch Frame offers you the abillity to integrate with different architectures like GNNs or LLMs. It is production-ready and can also be integrated with OpenAI, CoHere or VoyageAI. Check out example here

  For the Bank Churn Prediction task, we will build a deep learning model integrated with a Pretrained Language Model using PyTorch Frame.

What this notebook will cover

  • Loading Data with PyTorch Frame
  • Combining Tabular Deep Learning with Sentence Transformers
  • Hyperparameter Search with Optuna
  • Refit on Full Dataset

Import Libraries

from typing import List, Optional 

import os.path as osp 
import pandas as pd 

from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score 

import torch 
import torch.nn.functional as F 
from torch import Tensor 
from tqdm import tqdm 

# Use GPU for faster training 
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") 

Create an Interface to use HuggingFace Sentence Transformers

  In this notebook, we are using a sentence transformer called paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2. However, you can play araound with other sentence transformers from HuggingFace as well.

from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer 

class TextToEmbedding: 
  def __init__(self, model: str, device: torch.device): 
    self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model) 
    self.model     = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model).to(device) 
    self.device    = device 
  def __call__(self, sentences: List[str]) -> Tensor: 
    inputs = self.tokenizer(sentences, 
                            truncation = True, 
                            padding = "max_length", 
                            return_tensors = "pt") 
    for key in inputs: 
      if isinstance(inputs[key], Tensor): 
        inputs[key] = inputs[key].to(self.device) 
    out = self.model(**inputs) 
    mask = inputs["attention_mask"] 
    return out.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :].detach().cpu() 

Load Data into PyTorch Frame Dataset class

  Data in PyTorch Frame are stored in TensorFrame. For each column, we need to specify its semantic type.

  Clearly, CreditScore, Age, Tenure, Balance, NumOfProducts and EstimatedSalary are numerical features and Geography, HasCrCard and IsActiveMember are categorical features. But what about Surname. One can argue thet It’s categorical, but it is also text and can contain important demographic information.

from torch_frame import numerical, categorical, text_embedded, embedding 
from torch_frame.data import Dataset, DataLoader 
from torch_frame.config.text_embedder import TextEmbedderConfig 

text_encoder = TextToEmbedding(model = "sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2", device = device) 

col_to_stype = {"CustomerId"      : numerical, 
                "Surname"         : text_embedded, 
                "CreditScore"     : numerical, 
                "Geography"       : categorical, 
                "Age"             : numerical, 
                "Tenure"          : numerical, 
                "Balance"         : numerical, 
                "NumOfProducts"   : numerical, 
                "HasCrCard"       : categorical, 
                "IsActiveMember"  : categorical, 
                "EstimatedSalary" : numerical} 
test_dataset = Dataset(df = pd.read_csv("./data/test.csv"), 
                       col_to_stype = col_to_stype, 
                       col_to_text_embedder_cfg = TextEmbedderConfig(text_embedder = text_encoder, batch_size = 32))
col_to_stype = col_to_stype.copy() 
col_to_stype['Exited'] = categorical 
dataset = Dataset(df = pd.read_csv("./data/train.csv"), 
                  col_to_stype = col_to_stype, 
                  target_col = "Exited", 
                  col_to_text_embedder_cfg = TextEmbedderConfig(text_embedder = text_encoder, batch_size = 32))

  Now we need to materialize the datasets. Materialization means calculating column stats and generate embeddings for the text column.

dataset.materialize(path = "./data/data_3.pt")
#> Dataset()
test_dataset.materialize(path = "./data/test_data_3.pt")
#> Dataset()

Declaring Model in PyTorch Frame

  In this notebook, we will be using FT Transformer. We have a variety of other models offered to use directly including but not limited to TabNet, ResNet and Trompt.

  In Pytorch Frame, you need to declare the encoding method for different semantic types for different models.

  Note that the parameters of the model are generated from Hyperparameter Search using Optuna. We did a 1:1 split on the full dataset for training and validation. After we found the best set of parameters, we refit on the full dataset.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ExponentialLR 
from torch_frame import NAStrategy 

from torch_frame.nn import (

def create_model(): 
  stype_encoder_dict = {
    categorical: EmbeddingEncoder(na_strategy = NAStrategy.MOST_FREQUENT), 
    numerical: LinearBucketEncoder(na_strategy = NAStrategy.MEAN), 
    embedding: LinearEmbeddingEncoder() 
  model = FTTransformer(channels = 128, 
                        num_layers = 8, 
                        out_channels = 1, 
                        col_stats = dataset.col_stats, 
                        col_names_dict = dataset.tensor_frame.col_names_dict, 
                        stype_encoder_dict = stype_encoder_dict).to(device)

  return model 


  Now let’s train the model.

  We first declare the train and test function.

from torch.nn import Module 
from torch.nn import BCEWithLogitsLoss 
from torchmetrics import AUROC 

loss_func = BCEWithLogitsLoss() 

def train(model: Module, loader: DataLoader, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, epoch: int) -> float: 
  loss_accum = total_count = 0 
  for tf in tqdm(loader, desc = f'Epoch: {epoch}', disable=True): 
    tf = tf.to(device) 
    pred = model.forward(tf) 
    loss = loss_func(pred, tf.y.view(-1, 1).to(torch.float32)) 
    loss_accum += float(loss) * len(tf.y) 
    total_count += len(tf.y) 
  return loss_accum / total_count 

def test(model: Module, loader: DataLoader) -> float: 
  all_preds = [] 
  all_labels = [] 
  metric_computer = AUROC(task = 'binary').to(device) 
  for tf in loader: 
    tf = tf.to(device) 
    pred = model(tf) 
    metric_computer.update(pred, tf.y) 
  return metric_computer.compute().item() 

  Now Let’s train the model. From experince, the model converges within only a few epochs.

import time 
# Let's train the model 
metric = 'Auc' 
epochs = 20 
models = [] 
best_models = [] 

for i in range(2): 
  print(f"Running Trial {i}") 
  model = create_model() 
  best_val_metric = 0 
  optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = 0.0004541334318052064) 
  lr_scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma = 0.8094320330407814) 
  if i == 0: 
    val_dataset, train_dataset = dataset[:0.1], dataset[0.1:] 
    train_dataset, val_dataset = dataset[:0.9], dataset[0.9:] 
  train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset.tensor_frame, batch_size = 256, shuffle = True, drop_last = True) 
  val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset.tensor_frame, batch_size = 256) 
  for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): 
    train_loss = train(model, train_loader, optimizer, epoch) 
    train_metric = test(model, train_loader) 
    val_metric = test(model, val_loader) 
    if val_metric > best_val_metric: 
      best_model = model.state_dict() 
      best_val_metric = val_metric 
    print(f"Train Loss: {train_loss:.4f}, train {metric}: {train_metric:.4f}, "
          f"Val {metric}: {val_metric:.4f}")
#> Running Trial 0
#> Train Loss: 0.3783, train Auc: 0.8814, Val Auc: 0.8789
#> Train Loss: 0.3366, train Auc: 0.8858, Val Auc: 0.8829
#> Train Loss: 0.3309, train Auc: 0.8871, Val Auc: 0.8842
#> Train Loss: 0.3279, train Auc: 0.8879, Val Auc: 0.8839
#> Train Loss: 0.3255, train Auc: 0.8892, Val Auc: 0.8853
#> Train Loss: 0.3247, train Auc: 0.8898, Val Auc: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3237, train Auc: 0.8903, Val Auc: 0.8858
#> Train Loss: 0.3224, train Auc: 0.8911, Val Auc: 0.8864
#> Train Loss: 0.3214, train Auc: 0.8914, Val Auc: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3203, train Auc: 0.8916, Val Auc: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3201, train Auc: 0.8919, Val Auc: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3192, train Auc: 0.8923, Val Auc: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3189, train Auc: 0.8924, Val Auc: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3183, train Auc: 0.8928, Val Auc: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3180, train Auc: 0.8929, Val Auc: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3176, train Auc: 0.8930, Val Auc: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3174, train Auc: 0.8930, Val Auc: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3175, train Auc: 0.8931, Val Auc: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3175, train Auc: 0.8932, Val Auc: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3172, train Auc: 0.8933, Val Auc: 0.8870
#> Running Trial 1
#> Train Loss: 0.3732, train Auc: 0.8824, Val Auc: 0.8795
#> Train Loss: 0.3362, train Auc: 0.8856, Val Auc: 0.8824
#> Train Loss: 0.3303, train Auc: 0.8870, Val Auc: 0.8834
#> Train Loss: 0.3278, train Auc: 0.8873, Val Auc: 0.8844
#> Train Loss: 0.3257, train Auc: 0.8891, Val Auc: 0.8854
#> Train Loss: 0.3242, train Auc: 0.8884, Val Auc: 0.8852
#> Train Loss: 0.3229, train Auc: 0.8905, Val Auc: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3217, train Auc: 0.8909, Val Auc: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3208, train Auc: 0.8915, Val Auc: 0.8873
#> Train Loss: 0.3204, train Auc: 0.8915, Val Auc: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3195, train Auc: 0.8919, Val Auc: 0.8872
#> Train Loss: 0.3193, train Auc: 0.8921, Val Auc: 0.8873
#> Train Loss: 0.3188, train Auc: 0.8923, Val Auc: 0.8873
#> Train Loss: 0.3180, train Auc: 0.8923, Val Auc: 0.8873
#> Train Loss: 0.3180, train Auc: 0.8926, Val Auc: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3176, train Auc: 0.8928, Val Auc: 0.8874
#> Train Loss: 0.3178, train Auc: 0.8928, Val Auc: 0.8875
#> Train Loss: 0.3174, train Auc: 0.8930, Val Auc: 0.8874
#> Train Loss: 0.3174, train Auc: 0.8930, Val Auc: 0.8874
#> Train Loss: 0.3173, train Auc: 0.8930, Val Auc: 0.8874

Predict with the Trained Model

def predict(model: Module, loader: DataLoader) -> float: 
  all_preds = [] 
  for tf in loader: 
    tf = tf.to(device) 
    pred = model(tf) 
  all_preds = torch.cat(all_preds).cpu() 
  return all_preds 

#> <All keys matched successfully>
#> <All keys matched successfully>

test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset.tensor_frame, batch_size = 256) 
submission = pd.read_csv("./data/sample_submission.csv") 

submission['Exited'] = (predict(models[0], test_loader).numpy() + predict(models[1], test_loader).numpy()) / 2

submission.to_csv("./data/submission.csv", index = False)

Hyperparameter Search using Optuna

  In this section, we use optuna to tune our model.

import optuna 

from torch_frame import NAStrategy 
from torch_frame.nn import(

epochs = 20 
continuous = ['base_lr', 'gamma_rate'] 

encoder_search_space = {
  'numerical_encoder': ['LinearEncoder', 'LinearBucketEncoder', 'ExcelFormerEncoder'], 
  'numerical_na_strategy' : ['mean', 'zeros']

model_search_space = {
  'channels' : [128, 256], 
  'num_layers' : [2, 4, 8], 

train_search_space = {
  'batch_size' : [512, 256, 128], 
  'base_lr' : [1e-4, 1e-3], 
  'gamma_rate': [0.7, 1.] 

TRAIN_CONFIG_KEYS = ["batch_size", "gamma_rate", "base_lr"] 

# Split the train data into training and validation set 
train_dataset, val_dataset = dataset[:0.9], dataset[0.9:] 

def objective(trial: optuna.trial.Trial) -> float: 
  encoder_cfg = {} 
  for name, search_list in encoder_search_space.items(): 
    encoder_cfg[name] = trial.suggest_categorical(name, search_list) 
  model_cfg = {} 
  for name, search_list in model_search_space.items(): 
    if name not in continuous: 
      model_cfg[name] = trial.suggest_categorical(name, search_list) 
      model_cfg[name] = trial.suggest_float(name, saerch_list[0], search_slit[1]) 
  train_cfg = {} 
  for name, search_list in train_search_space.items(): 
    if name not in continuous: 
      train_cfg[name] = trial.suggest_categorical(name, search_list) 
      train_cfg[name] = trial.suggest_float(name, search_list[0], search_list[1]) 
  best_val_metric = train_and_eval_with_cfg(encoder_cfg = encoder_cfg, 
                                            model_cfg = model_cfg, 
                                            train_cfg = train_cfg, 
                                            trial = trial) 
  return best_val_metric 

def train_and_eval_with_cfg(encoder_cfg, model_cfg, train_cfg, trial: Optional[optuna.trial.Trial] = None): 
  if encoder_cfg['numerical_encoder'] == 'LinearEncoder': 
    numerical_encoder_cls = LinearEncoder 
  elif encoder_cfg['numerical_encoder'] == 'LinearBucketEncoder': 
    numerical_encoder_cls = LinearBucketEncoder 
    numerical_encoder_cls = ExcelFormerEncoder 
  stype_encoder_dict = {
    categorical: EmbeddingEncoder(na_strategy = NAStrategy.MOST_FREQUENT), 
    numerical: numerical_encoder_cls(na_strategy = NAStrategy(encoder_cfg['numerical_na_strategy'])), 
    embedding: LinearEmbeddingEncoder() 
  model = FTTransformer(
    out_channels = 1, 
    col_stats = train_dataset.col_stats, 
    col_names_dict = train_dataset.tensor_frame.col_names_dict, 
    stype_encoder_dict = stype_encoder_dict
  # Use train_cfg to set up training procedure 
  optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = train_cfg['base_lr']) 
  lr_scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, gamma = train_cfg['gamma_rate']) 
  train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset.tensor_frame, batch_size = train_cfg['batch_size'], shuffle = True, drop_last = True) 
  val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset.tensor_frame, batch_size = train_cfg['batch_size']) 
  best_val_metric = 0 
  for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1): 
    train_loss = train(model, train_loader, optimizer, epoch) 
    val_metric = test(model, val_loader) 
    if val_metric > best_val_metric: 
      best_val_metric = val_metric 
    print(f"Train Loss: {train_loss:.4f}, Val: {val_metric:.4f}") 
    if trial is not None: 
      trial.report(val_metric, epoch) 
      if trial.should_prune(): 
        raise optuna.TrialPruned() 
  print(f'Best val: {best_val_metric:.4f}') 
  return best_val_metric

Uncomment the following section to run the full hyperparameter search.

# Hyper00parameter optimization with Optuna 
print("Hyper-parameter search via Optuna") 
#> Hyper-parameter search via Optuna
study = optuna.create_study(pruner = optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(), 
                            direction = "maximize") 
#> [I 2024-01-12 00:55:10,411] A new study created in memory with name: no-name-316f326a-9245-4d6f-86d9-ef3398f8e205

study.optimize(objective, n_trials = 5) 
#> Train Loss: 0.3637, Val: 0.8790
#> Train Loss: 0.3349, Val: 0.8832
#> Train Loss: 0.3301, Val: 0.8845
#> Train Loss: 0.3283, Val: 0.8852
#> Train Loss: 0.3268, Val: 0.8843
#> Train Loss: 0.3264, Val: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3250, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3248, Val: 0.8848
#> Train Loss: 0.3236, Val: 0.8858
#> Train Loss: 0.3229, Val: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3224, Val: 0.8860
#> Train Loss: 0.3222, Val: 0.8862
#> Train Loss: 0.3216, Val: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3210, Val: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3209, Val: 0.8872
#> Train Loss: 0.3204, Val: 0.8848
#> Train Loss: 0.3198, Val: 0.8875
#> Train Loss: 0.3197, Val: 0.8872
#> Train Loss: 0.3191, Val: 0.8864
#> Train Loss: 0.3188, Val: 0.8874
#> Best val: 0.8875
#> Train Loss: 0.3942, Val: 0.8530
#> Train Loss: 0.3559, Val: 0.8797
#> Train Loss: 0.3318, Val: 0.8835
#> Train Loss: 0.3273, Val: 0.8846
#> Train Loss: 0.3262, Val: 0.8844
#> Train Loss: 0.3245, Val: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3232, Val: 0.8840
#> Train Loss: 0.3221, Val: 0.8852
#> Train Loss: 0.3212, Val: 0.8849
#> Train Loss: 0.3202, Val: 0.8851
#> Train Loss: 0.3188, Val: 0.8862
#> Train Loss: 0.3180, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3168, Val: 0.8855
#> Train Loss: 0.3157, Val: 0.8861
#> Train Loss: 0.3148, Val: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3137, Val: 0.8846
#> Train Loss: 0.3129, Val: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3122, Val: 0.8848
#> Train Loss: 0.3111, Val: 0.8846
#> Train Loss: 0.3110, Val: 0.8842
#> Best val: 0.8862
#> Train Loss: 0.4464, Val: 0.8219
#> Train Loss: 0.3599, Val: 0.8734
#> Train Loss: 0.3401, Val: 0.8792
#> Train Loss: 0.3356, Val: 0.8750
#> Train Loss: 0.3330, Val: 0.8813
#> Train Loss: 0.3302, Val: 0.8828
#> Train Loss: 0.3284, Val: 0.8829
#> Train Loss: 0.3265, Val: 0.8843
#> Train Loss: 0.3251, Val: 0.8851
#> Train Loss: 0.3246, Val: 0.8853
#> Train Loss: 0.3234, Val: 0.8834
#> Train Loss: 0.3232, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3224, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3219, Val: 0.8863
#> Train Loss: 0.3214, Val: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3212, Val: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3205, Val: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3203, Val: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3198, Val: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3193, Val: 0.8867
#> Best val: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3709, Val: 0.8773
#> Train Loss: 0.3373, Val: 0.8823
#> Train Loss: 0.3334, Val: 0.8848
#> Train Loss: 0.3308, Val: 0.8849
#> Train Loss: 0.3281, Val: 0.8834
#> Train Loss: 0.3266, Val: 0.8858
#> Train Loss: 0.3255, Val: 0.8856
#> Train Loss: 0.3239, Val: 0.8857
#> Train Loss: 0.3229, Val: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3223, Val: 0.8862
#> Train Loss: 0.3210, Val: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3205, Val: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3198, Val: 0.8872
#> Train Loss: 0.3195, Val: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3187, Val: 0.8865
#> Train Loss: 0.3185, Val: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3179, Val: 0.8869
#> Train Loss: 0.3178, Val: 0.8871
#> Train Loss: 0.3174, Val: 0.8867
#> Train Loss: 0.3172, Val: 0.8868
#> Best val: 0.8872
#> Train Loss: 0.4067, Val: 0.8509
#> Train Loss: 0.3690, Val: 0.8643
#> Train Loss: 0.3479, Val: 0.8778
#> Train Loss: 0.3344, Val: 0.8827
#> Train Loss: 0.3296, Val: 0.8841
#> Train Loss: 0.3273, Val: 0.8856
#> Train Loss: 0.3261, Val: 0.8843
#> Train Loss: 0.3254, Val: 0.8862
#> Train Loss: 0.3238, Val: 0.8855
#> Train Loss: 0.3234, Val: 0.8860
#> Train Loss: 0.3229, Val: 0.8856
#> Train Loss: 0.3220, Val: 0.8864
#> Train Loss: 0.3217, Val: 0.8866
#> Train Loss: 0.3206, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3202, Val: 0.8860
#> Train Loss: 0.3195, Val: 0.8866
#> Train Loss: 0.3192, Val: 0.8859
#> Train Loss: 0.3189, Val: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3185, Val: 0.8868
#> Train Loss: 0.3175, Val: 0.8867
#> Best val: 0.8868
#> [I 2024-01-12 00:58:01,525] Trial 0 finished with value: 0.8874854445457458 and parameters: {'numerical_encoder': 'LinearBucketEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'zeros', 'channels': 128, 'num_layers': 2, 'batch_size': 128, 'base_lr': 0.00036363988058360654, 'gamma_rate': 0.9912428316979148}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8874854445457458.
#> [I 2024-01-12 01:00:18,649] Trial 1 finished with value: 0.8862290382385254 and parameters: {'numerical_encoder': 'LinearEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'zeros', 'channels': 256, 'num_layers': 4, 'batch_size': 256, 'base_lr': 0.0002993354108566624, 'gamma_rate': 0.9253795068417283}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8874854445457458.
#> [I 2024-01-12 01:03:49,173] Trial 2 finished with value: 0.8869168758392334 and parameters: {'numerical_encoder': 'ExcelFormerEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'mean', 'channels': 256, 'num_layers': 8, 'batch_size': 512, 'base_lr': 0.0006583642617087316, 'gamma_rate': 0.8693857152100075}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8874854445457458.
#> [I 2024-01-12 01:09:39,145] Trial 3 finished with value: 0.8871639370918274 and parameters: {'numerical_encoder': 'LinearBucketEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'mean', 'channels': 128, 'num_layers': 8, 'batch_size': 128, 'base_lr': 0.000600676150393692, 'gamma_rate': 0.8506214745568763}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8874854445457458.
#> [I 2024-01-12 01:10:57,721] Trial 4 finished with value: 0.8868314027786255 and parameters: {'numerical_encoder': 'LinearEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'zeros', 'channels': 128, 'num_layers': 2, 'batch_size': 256, 'base_lr': 0.00026059399114586443, 'gamma_rate': 0.9627774437045109}. Best is trial 0 with value: 0.8874854445457458.

print("Hyper-parameter search done. Found the best config.") 
#> Hyper-parameter search done. Found the best config.
params = study.best_params 
best_train_cfg = {} 
for train_cfg_key in TRAIN_CONFIG_KEYS: 
  best_train_cfg[train_cfg_key] = params.pop(train_cfg_key) 
best_model_cfg = params

print(f"Best train config: {best_train_cfg}, Best model config: {best_model_cfg}")
#> Best train config: {'batch_size': 128, 'gamma_rate': 0.9912428316979148, 'base_lr': 0.00036363988058360654}, Best model config: {'numerical_encoder': 'LinearBucketEncoder', 'numerical_na_strategy': 'zeros', 'channels': 128, 'num_layers': 2}